
The acronym GPE, which combines the initials of founder Antonio’s children (Gianpietro, Paolo and Enzo) embodies the tradition of the Ardenghi Family.

GPE A. Ardenghi srl, a manufacturer of screen printing machines, has been offering its services to the market since 1945, positioning itself as a sector leader. To achieve this status, the Company has relied on advanced technological evolution and the commitment to constantly renew the corporate know-how.

Our experience in the field of mechanics and technique in general comes from a long and multifaceted family tradition dating back to the end of the nineteenth century. It was 1945 when GPE Ardenghi began to consolidate its role in the global market as a point of reference for the production of screen printing machines for cylindrical and non-cylinder printing. Today, GPE is present in all areas where marking and personalization are needed (Promotional – Cosmetic – Pharmaceutical – Automotive – Industrial), providing semiautomatic and automatic equipment.


Bottle Printing, Cylinder Machines, Manual Printing Machinery, Multi-Colour Machines, Semi and 3/4 Automatic Presses
Consultancy / Information
Ceramic Printing, Glass, Etch
Polycarbonate, Polyesters, Polyethylene, Polypropylene
Glass Containers, Metal Containers, Plastic Containers
Pharmaceuticals in general
Food in general
Automotive in general
GPE Ardenghi A. srl
Via Pagazzano 20
24047 Treviglio
Commercial Contact
Pasquale Milo

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